A buyer limit represents the maximum amount that Stenn is willing to extend to a company for its trade transactions. This limit is a real limit that is established for a company based on the company's financial health, transaction history, and trustworthiness. It acts as a safeguard, ensuring that companies can facilitate international trade without overextending their financial obligations, thus promoting smooth and risk-managed business operations.

The buyer limit object

idstringUnique identifier for this record.
companyidUnique identifier for the company record that you want to obtain a buyer limit for.
business_information_sourcestringThe business information database that we will use to obtain buyer limit for this company. Currently only dnb is supported.
business_information_idstringUnique identifier that we can use to identify the company record in your given business_information_source. Should be DUNS number for dnb.
company_registration_numberstringLegal company registration number. For indian companies it is mandatory to provide CIN or LLPIN number. For chinese companies it is mandatory to provie USCC.
requested_limitnumberThe amount of buyer limit the company is requesting. Always in USD.
business_informationarray of hashList of business information sources that we can obtain information about this company for verification.
total_limitnumberThe maximum amount extended to this company. It's set based on a combination of the company's financial health, transactional history, and other relevant factors. Always in USD.
available_limitnumberThis field shows how much of total limit the company can still access. It's calculated by subtracting the amount already used from the total_limit. Always in USD.
statusstringThe status of this buyer limit request. Read Buyer limit statuses to learn more.
contacthashContact that will be receiving email requests for additional information to process the buyer limit request.
supporting_documentsarray of hashList of documents attached to this buyer limit request. Refer to Documents.

Buyer limit statuses

pendingThe buyer limit request is in the system but hasn't been processed yet. Default status.
under_reviewThe buyer limit request is currently being reviewed
additional_info_requiredAdditional documents or information are requested for buyer limit request
approvedThe buyer limit request has been reviewed and approved.
declinedThe buyer limit request was reviewed but was declined
expiredThe buyer limit has expired and will need to create a new buyer limit request.

Example JSON object

  "id": "bl_ZE3C3q3Dx5QWNChwi86iz2NSyO3nJU",
  "object": "buyer_limit",
  "company": "company_OEypr6qrdlPoD",
  "business_information_source": "dnb",
  "business_information_id": "150483782",
  "company_registration_number": "AAA-7663",
  "requested_limit": "8000000.00",
  "total_limit": "9000000.00",
  "available_limit": "550000.00",
  "status": "approved",
  "contact": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "email": "john.doe@example.com",
    "phone": null
  "supporting_documents": {
    "object": "list",
    "data": [
        "id": "doc_DYfeeV3qxdmYoC",
        "object": "document",
        "name": "financials.pdf",
        "purpose": "financial_statement",
        "file_format": "pdf",
        "created": "2023-08-22T15:31:40Z"
        "id": "doc_VYfeeV3qxdmYoK",
        "object": "document",
        "name": "incorporation.pdf",
        "purpose": "company_incorporation",
        "file_format": "pdf",
        "created": "2023-08-22T15:31:40Z"
  "created": "2023-08-22T15:31:40Z"