An invoice Financing Session represents your customer's session as they submit their financing application through our hosted invoice financing workflow.

Once submission is successful, the Financing Session will contain a reference to the invoices submitted in the financing application and vice versa.

You can create an invoice Financing Session on your server and redirect to its session_url to begin the hosted invoice financing submission process.

The Financing Session Object

idstringUnique identifier for the object
supplierstringID of the company created using our Companies endpoint that represents the supplier.
buyerstringID of the company created using our Companies endpoint that represents the buyer.
invoicesarray of hashesList of invoices attached to this financing session. Refer to Invoices.
supporting_documentsarray of hashesList of supporting documents attached to this invoice financing application. Refer to Documents
success_urlstringThe URL the customer will be directed to after successfully completing the hosted invoice financing submission
cancel_urlstringThe URL the customers will be directed to this URL if they decide to cancel.
session_urlstringThe URL to the Invoice Financing Session. Redirect customers to this URL to take them through the hosted invoice financing workflow with a user friendly step-by-step wizard to guide the customer through submitting their invoice for financing.
submitted_bystringEmail address of the user who initiated this invoice financing session.
localestringLanguage used in Invoice financing session. en_UK means English, zh_CN is for Chinese (simplified).
statusstringThe status of the invoice financing session, one of opencompleteexpired or canceled. Refer to Financing Session Status explanation below

Financing Session Statuses

openThe invoice financing session is still in progress
completeAn invoice has been successfully submitted for financing and the invoice financing session is complete.
expiredThe invoice financing session has expired. No further processing will occur.
canceledThe invoice financing session has been canceled. No further processing will occur.

Example JSON object

  "id": "ifs_FGHE9182938as09s00bbw",
  "object": "invoice.financing.session",
  "supplier": "company_ZYfeeV3qxdmYoG",
  "buyer": "company_OEypr6qrdlPoD",
	"invoices": {
    "object": "list",
		"data": [
				"id": "inv_ZYfeeV3qxdmYoG",
        "status": "new"
	"supporting_documents": {
    "object": "list",
    "data": [
        "invoice_id": "inv_ZYfeeV3qxdmYoG",
        "documents": {
          "object": "list",
          "data": [
              "id": "doc_DYfeeV3qxdmYoC",
              "object": "document",
              "name": "airwaybill.pdf",
              "purpose": "transport",
              "file_format": "pdf",
              "created": "2023-08-22T15:31:40Z"
  "success_url": "",
  "cancel_url": "",
  "session_url": "",
  "submitted_by": "[email protected]",
  "locale": "en_UK",
  "status": "open",
  "created": "2023-08-22T15:31:40Z"